Page Scripts

n3t Cookies Consent by default handle Cookies, not Scripts. So, if you use for example Google Analytics on your page, script itself will be still loaded, but it will be blocked to set cookies for your domain.

If you wish to block some script completely, you need to follow these additional steps:

1) Enable Page Scripts option

You can find it at Advanced tab.

2) Modify your scripts output

You need to change type attribute of your scripts to text/plain and add data-cookiecategory category containing proper category on which the script should be executed, when user provides his consent.

So, for example, script loading some analytics JS file

<script src="analytics.js" defer></script>

will become

<script type="text/plain" data-cookiecategory="analytics" src="analytics.js" defer></script>

Same could be used for inline scripts, so for example

<script type="text/plain" data-cookiecategory="ads">
    console.log('"ads" category accepted');

Available categories

Predefined blocks

If you use predefined blocks, available script categories are:

  • Functional cookies - functional
  • Preferences cookies - preferences
  • Analytics cookies - analytics
  • Marketing cookies - marketing
  • Unknown cookies - unknown

Custom blocks

If you use custom blocks, category is specified by its Alias.